Letter to the Spanish Ministry regarding the functioning of SGAE

27th September 2018

Ilmo. Sr. D. José Guirao
Plaza del Rei, 1
28004 Madrid

Bruselas, Septiembre 27, 2018

Excelentísimo Sr. Ministro de Cultura,
En nombre de IMPF y en representación del colectivo Internacional de la Edición Musical Independiente deseamos expresar nuestra preocupación por los hechos que vienen sucediendo en la SGAE y apoyar incondicionalmente a nuestros compañeros editores españoles en su reivindicaciones.

Creemos conveniente que su ministerio garantice un proceso electoral libre que asegure la máxima participación de socios mediante la implantación del voto electrónico, y se garantice una gestión profesional de la entidad alejada de todo tipo de injerencias que asegure una remuneración justa del repertorio en base a criterios de audiencia. Igualmente, hacen falta medidas para agilizar el registro de obras internacionales (que en este momento supera los 10 meses de retraso), e incrementar la transparencia en la gestión.

Contamos con que su ministerio recuerde a la SGAE la igualdad necesaria en el trato dado tanto a autores como a editores (nacionales o foráneos).

Quedo a su disposición para la colaboración por nuestra parte que pueda requerir.


Pierre Mossiat, President of the Board of Directors of IMPF


About IMPF

IMPF – the Independent Music Publishers International Forum – serves as an international network and meeting place for independent music publishers. Its main objectives are to share experiences and best practices in independent music publishing; exchange information on the legal and regulatory framework and music publishing environment; coordinate actions and support projects relevant to composers, authors and their music publishers; represent the interests of the independent music publishing community; and stimulate a favourable environment for artistic, cultural, linguistic and commercial diversity www.impforum.org

Minister of Culture,

On behalf of IMPF etc. we wish to express our concern for the events that are happening in the SGAE and offer our full support to our fellow Spanish publishers.

We would hope that your ministry guarantees a free electoral process in SGAE that ensures the maximum participation through the implementation of an electronic voting system, and ensures professional management of SGAE free from all kinds of interference that would ensure a fair remuneration of the repertoire based on established criteria. Likewise, measures are needed to streamline the registration of international works (which currently has some 10 months of delay), and importantly increase the transparency in management.

We count on your ministry to ensure that SGAE gives equal treatment to both authors and publishers (national and international).

I remain at your disposal for any follow up etc;