independent Music Publishers International Forum

By joining IMPF, you will add your voice and your views to a global network and help ensure that independent music publishing remains the powerhouse of the music world.

Apply for IMPF membership


By joining IMPF you will add your voice and your views to those of a global group of indies, and ensure that independent music publishing remains the powerhouse of the music world.


Who we are

IMPF is a network of international independent music publishers who have a shared vision of the future of the music publishing community.

Why join us?

As a collective group we can take advantage of the incredible opportunities for our music to be available on every service, licensed easily and without borders.

Writers and music publishers must be rewarded fairly for their work.  With members in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, South and North America, we can quickly act on key legislation affecting our members.

IMPF has created a community for independent music publishers. It is a place for us to keep track of rapid developments, discuss the challenges that we are facing and propose solutions.

Why join us?

As a collective group we can take advantage of incredible opportunities offered by the digital age. Our music should be available on every service, licensed easily and without borders.

Writers and companies must be rewarded fairly for their work. With members and outreach in Europe, Asia, S. Africa, the US and D.C., we can act on key legislation affecting our members.

IMPF have created a community for independent music publishers, a place for us to keep track of rapid developments, discuss the challenges that we are facing and propose solution.


“We feel that we have some issues that need to be addressed that are specific to our status as independent companies”

– Pierre Mossiat

“Independent publishers need representation with that strength and impact just as much as, if not more than, independent labels”

Annette Barrett

“I joined IMPF because I felt there was a need for a collective independent music publishing voice”

Simon Platz

“I wanted to be a part of something that could be as effective in Europe as NMPA is in the States”

Randall Wixen

“IMPF is providing a much-needed global forum to discuss the complex issues facing the music publishing industry”

Justin Kalifowitz

“It’s challenging to keep up with all the technical changes and trends in our industry while running a business. I think that IMPF is doing a great job in bringing us together to share knowledge and information.”

Denise Andrikopoulou, D-Version Music Publishing Ltd.

Benefits to you

We provide networking opportunities for our members, inform publishers on copyright and IPR issues, and ensure that policy makers hear the independent voice.

You will help influence policy positions at meetings or on a case by case basis.

You are invited to meet fellow publishers at IMPF’s bi-annual US and EU gatherings.

Contact us for help with any issues you are having locally or nationally.

To register your interest in IMPF membership,

please fill in the form.