The Global Trade Body for Independent Music Publishers

A network and meeting place for independent music publishers from around the world

We represent the interests of the independent music publishing community worldwide.  With member companies across the globe, IMPF ensures that independent music publishers remain the powerhouse of the music world.  Here is the 4th edition of the  Global Market View Report, which assembles the global market revenue and percentage share of the independent music publishing industry.

IMPF is the recipient of a Creative Europe grant to help build the capacity of independent music publishers. This IMPF network project runs for three years to March 2025 and aims to empower in the first instance, independent European music publishers, but with benefits for all IMPF members globally.


IMPF has a series of online webinars and events in place.  Your input as to how these might serve you best in terms of topics, timing and format is most welcome. A copy of the Meetings and Events Calendar for 2025 can be found here.

Annual Networking Event

General Assemblies and Conference

Athens, Greece

03 – 04 April 2025

Annual Networking Event


Online Webinar

18 March 2025, 16:00 CET

Annual Networking Event

How to make the best of new digital tools to drive revenue?

Online Webinar

03 December 2024, 16:00 CET/Past

Annual Networking Event

IMPF Global Music Summit Palma 24

Palma de Mallorca, Spain

01 – 04 October 2024/Past

Annual Networking Event

New Markets; big expectations? 

Online Webinar

17 July 2024, 16:00 CET/Past


“We feel that we have some issues that need to be addressed that are specific to our status as independent companies”

– Pierre Mossiat, Strictly Confidential

“Independent publishers need representation with that strength and impact just as much as, if not more than, independent labels”

Annette Barrett, Reservoir Media

“I joined IMPF because I felt there was a need for a collective independent music publishing voice”

Simon Platz, Bucks Music Group

“I wanted to be a part of something that could be as effective in Europe as NMPA is in the States”

Randall Wixen, Wixen Music Publishing

“IMPF is providing a much-needed global forum to discuss the complex issues facing the music publishing industry”

Justin Kalifowitz, Downtown Music Publishing

“Being part of the IMPF global network since the early days of the organization means a lot to us, especially in these days of many new challenges to the independent music industry due to the changes caused by the development of the digital distribution of music.”

– Dag Haeggqvist, Gazell Music AB

IMPF is a force of like-minded, but different individuals and companies who are collectively advocating for fairness for the music creators we represent.

– John Telfer, Rocking Gorillas Music

It’s challenging to keep up with all the technical changes and trends in our industry while running a business. I think that IMPF is doing a great job in bringing us together to share knowledge and information.

– Denise Andrikopoulou, D-Version Music Publishing Ltd.

Being part of an international network of independent music publishers worldwide is extremely valuable for us. Together we can raise a much more powerful voice to address the problems and challenges our industry faces, now and in the future. On top of that, it is always nice to be able to level up with co-publishers and perhaps be of extra value to each other, which is something IMPF makes possible for all of us.

– Edith Severs, CEO, Copyright Power International.

Find out more about IMPF membership

As an IMPF member you will add your voice to a global network focused on your issues.