Indie music publishers call on policymakers everywhere to take good heed of their decision making.
February 23 Paris – Yesterday at SACEM in Paris, the Independent Music Publishers Forum (IMPF) held a General Assembly in front of some 80 indie music publishing companies and guests representing international writers organisations, publishers and CMOs from Europe and the US. In his opening address, President of IMPF Pierre Mossiat, and CEO of Strictly Confidential Music Publishing, commented on how, despite the changes brought about by digital, the fundamentals of the indie music publishing business haven’t changed, as they are based on the close, one to one engagement with authors and composers. Echoing that sentiment, Lorenzo Ferrero attending in his capacity as President of CIAM said “Publishers have always been the natural partners of music creators. But the relationship between CIAM and IMPF is more than that: it’s a frank, concrete and constructive cooperation on common global issues”.
CEO of SACEM Jean-Noël Tronc, in a wide-ranging address including the current copyright reform on both sides of the Atlantic, emphasised the importance of the continuing need for unity amongst the broader music community in light of those who want to undermine the vibrant industry, and also stressed his personal support for the vital voice of the indie sector.
Spotify’s European Director of Songwriter and Publisher Relations, Jules Parker, gave an impressive presentation on the work that Spotify is doing with songwriters in liaison with publishers, offering training and showcasing creators and artists through talent hubs and workshops.
Rolf Budde, (IMPF vice chair and Chair DMV Germany, (Budde Music)), addressed the mammoth task publishers and GEMA undertook recently to change the law in the aftermath of the November ruling in Germany, a topic of great interest to the publishers and writers present, given the action it necessitates but the disaster it avoided. Teresa Alfonso (Teddysound), Filippo Sugar (Sugar Music), Simon Platz (Bucks Music), Angela Rose White (David Rose Publishing) and Ger Hatton also presented on various topical EU and US issues.
In closing, Mossiat stressed IMPF’s commitment to working closely with organisations that represent collective management and writers and reminded everyone that IMPF was established as a forum for indie music publishers to engage and dialogue at just such an international level.
He added, “with policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic making decisions that significantly impact our business, we must remain proactive and forceful in our collective efforts to ensure that the decisions they make today don’t adversely affect our business tomorrow”.
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