
(Work Package 1)


Project Governance and Management

The project is managed by a Project Supervisor, a Project Manager and two Coordinators. There is a dedicated communications team covering PR, Social Media and internal communications.

Advocacy is covered by the Legal and Policy advisor.

Additional people join the project team on an occasional basis to provide expert support as needed.

The Steering Committee is comprised of three members – Francesca Trainini, Thomas Jamois, Tommi Tuomainen – who meet as required to provide oversight and input.

The Data, Digital and Rights experts Paulina Golba, Andrei Filip and Emmanuel Deletang steer the work in WP 4 and 5 and provide guidance.

The whole team plan, execute and evaluate the various project elements on a continuing basis ensuring transparency in all aspects and paying due attention to the green agenda and gender balance.

Ultimately the Executive Board of the IMPF Board of Directors provides the overall governance with the Project Supervisor as the key decision maker.

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